History of Feminism
In reply to the discussion: Do NOT say Hello To me.. [View all]Flatulo
(5,005 posts)However, these are a few of the things that have happened to me:
I've had the living shit beaten out of me a few times. I had my jaw broken. I had my four front teeth knocked out. My parents opted to not pay for repairs because my brother needed the money for college, so I walked around for years looking like an uglier version of Klem Kadiddlehopper. I've been held down by four bigger kewl kids while one of them took a shit right on my face and rubbed it in with a stick, and then the others took turns pissing on me. I've had a cracked rib and a punctured lung.
None of this stuff was considered a crime, just the boys playing. All this stuff really happened because I was small and weak and odd and the opposite of good-looking and kewl.
So yeah, I guess I'm a little unsympathetic to the young woman in the video being bothered by all these creeps saying Hello to her.
My point being that really shitty things do happen to people who in no way deserve it, including to women by men, and to men by women, and to men by men, and to women
by women. And in the big picture kind of way, this young woman hasn't had it so bad.