...ago, so I will take this opportunity to apologize for the strenuousness of that older remark of mine. You've always taken it upon yourself to keep the community well informed with your posting of news. Thank you for that. It is very good for the DU community. I can see where my insinuated comment of "hack" is too coarse as well. His other reporting seems totally reasonable. The pandemic is just something to which I've tried to pay extremely close attention. I started by listening to Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist, and subsequently found "This Week In Virology": I trust the latter the most because they have the background to discuss virology, feature guests who are directly involved with virological research, and review/discuss relevant/current papers. It has truly been a long five years (on top of the first three years of the Trump Administration)!!! Let's just hope that we don't get another serious one with H5N1. Trump is just not mentally capable of handling an epidemic/pandemic, and RFK, Jr. would go in exactly the wrong direction with any action he would take.
Good luck with all things health and familial.
In case you are interested, here are some related links:
There are several other sites which seem to do a decent job of debunking the anti-vax talking points that are out there. Here are a few of them in case they would be useful:
Dr. Wilson (a PhD molecular biologist) - He discusses papers and what they mean.
Dr. Susan Oliver (not an MD but a PhD) - She discusses papers and what they mean.
Beyond the Noise (This one is related to TWiV) - These are conversations between Dr. Paul Offit (MD) and Vincent Racaniello (PhD virologist).
Anyway, there is a lot out there, and that is a fairly condensed presentation of what I believe to be reputable sources. Again, I follow them because they try to discuss things from the point of view of the currently published research. Lastly, late on Friday nights, TWiV publishes an episode with an MD (Dr. Daniel Griffin) and which discusses what is being seen across the country in terms of Covid, flu, H5N1, MPOX, RSV, etc. It seems to be a good summary of what is happening. Its most recent episode is here, but it does not have a playlist of its own independent of TWiV:
Clinical Update with Dr. Daniel Griffin
At any rate...