Who won the last 24 hours of the presidential race? [View all]
By James Pindell Globe Staff, Updated January 29, 2020, an hour ago
Sanders seems to be peaking in the Democratic presidential contest at exactly the right time and his rivals appear dumbfounded.
Sanders is now the front-runner in Iowa and New Hampshire, according to the Real Clear Politics polling average. In the modern era, everyone who won both states went on to win the nomination.
But it is not just the early states. A poll on Tuesday showed Sanders with a solid lead in the biggest prize of all: delegate-rich California. Sanders led Warren there 26 percent to 20 percent. Also on Tuesday, Sanders announced that he will begin television advertising in California and the other major Super Tuesday state, Texas.
The biggest problem for his rivals is that polling consistently shows the Vermont senators supporters are more committed to him than those who say they are leaning toward other candidates but are still making up their minds.
And its not just the polls. While he is in Washington at the impeachment trial, his supporters are flooding his events in Iowa to see campaign surrogates. Rival events without the actual candidate dont come close.
Even though Sanders has been stuck in Washington unable to campaign, he is still a winner.