has been in treatment since 2014. His remission ended in Nov 2018 (as happens with incurable cancers) and he has been on another treatment that has put him back in a very good remission since then. Thank goodness for Medicare and the fact that we "chose" wisely in getting our supplemental rather than something else (choosing done, of course, before diagnosis - but thank goodness we "chose" what we did). His first infusion after relapse we received letter from hospital saying that since Medicare ony covers 80% they are required to advise us that his 20% would be $32,000 if we didn't have supplemental!!!! And he received 8 infusions in 8 weeks - then 8 more bi-weekly and now 1 infusion a month for as long as the treatment works. Those first 8 weeks would have cost us $256,000 alone! Yeah, when people talk about "choice" I want to smack them.
His drug that he takes at home in combination with all this - costs $20,000/month (21 pills). Even with insurance - first copay is over $2500 - then in catastrophic is goes down to only $930 a month. We have to get a grant from the Leukemia Association to cover the copays. When he started this journey in 2014 a $10,000 grant covered a year. Now his $11,000 grant only covers about 8 or 9 months. It's insane. And the drug manufacturer doesn't help Medicare patients - as the CT drug parity law is considered a state law (since not all states have the law) and Medicare is a federal program (even though our Drug plan is still paid to a private insurance company). It truly is insane.
People who haven't had to navigate this crazy system have no idea just how screwed we are in this country and why I have no patience for the nonsense spouted by many against joining the rest of the developed countries in providing health care as a right!
Sorry for the rant . . . my particular soapbox!!!!