I was driving on a semi-rural road. It was about 1 a.m. Not a car in sight, no traffic controls or nuthin'.
For no reason, I stopped the car in the middle of the road. I imagined a traffic light there. It took a couple'a seconds to get my shit back together to continue the journey back home.
Another time, friend and I were watching a horse race on tv. Channel 9 (NYC) used to broadcast live races from one of the local tracks. As I recall, it took about an hour and a half for the horses to run the race. Horses must'a had "the slows" that night.
Another time, cousin and I were watching a segment of Burns and Allen re-run on Channel 11. The scene was Gracie, sitting on the back porch with a pot in one hand and making movements with the other.
George: "What are you doing, Gracie?"
Gracie: " I'm cooking peas and carrots for supper and I know you don't like peas, so I'm taking them out of the pot (one by one) so you don't have to eat them."
That, had me in stitches for about an hour.