Reasons to still get your medical cannabis approval [View all]
At least here in California that is.
This was part of my Doctor's email reminder to renew:
Here are a few reasons you will still want and need a Medical Cannabis Recommendation in 2018.
1. No Medical Taxes. Medical recommendation holders pay no sales tax.
Recreational marijuana is taxed at roughly 25%.
2. Lower age requirement. While you have to be at least 18 to get a MMJ prescription, the minimum age for using cannabis recreationally is 21. If you are under 21, you will need a recommendation.
3. No possession or cultivation limits. Under Prop. 64, adults are only allowed to use or carry up to an ounce of cannabis. Growing is limited to six plants.
There is no limit for medical recommendation holders. You are allowed to use and grow as much as needed within 100 square feet.
4. More places to shop. The number of legal cannabis dispensaries depend on individual jurisdictions. Cities and counties have the right to limit or ban dispensaries in their towns. A medical recommendation is the best way to get access to all of Californias 1000 dispensaries.