"I've never really seen the evidence that it's more or less harmful than anything else people do."
Well whose fault is that, Mr or Mrs anonymous author for "blastingtvnews"?
Why opine on something if you can't be bothered to do even the most minimal piece of your own fucking research? Because in about 45 seconds of google, you could have learned that in 1988, no less than a
DEA Administrative Judge, Francis Young, called "Marijuana in its natural form... one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man."
You also could have easily found the
CDC data on yearly deaths from alcohol poisoning - just straight up poisoning, mind you - approx. 2200 a year, in the United States.
By comparison, how many people have died from marijuana "overdoses" in the recorded history of humanity?
That's right, none.
So it would be pretty fucking easy to "see the evidence that it's more or less harmful than anything else".
But this ...
whatever the fuck it is, doesn't have any evidence. Rather, it's got a few fuzzy anecdotes about "stoners" giving shit to disabled people for taking pharmaceuticals and getting wild claims for miraculous benefits of marijuana from anti-vaccer websites.
Which is apparently "harming the legalization movement", nevermind that legalization is only gaining in popularity at a remarkable rate.
Cool story, bro.
(Not directed at you, btw-- the author of the piece.