No THC in Colorado town's water, new tests show [View all]
No THC in Colorado town's water, new tests show
By Jason Hanna and Carma Hassan, CNN
Updated 3:27 PM ET, Sat July 23, 2016
(CNN)A Colorado town's marijuana-in-the-water mystery didn't check out after all.
Laboratory testing showed there is no THC -- the principal psychoactive chemical in cannabis -- in the town's water supply, contrary to what field tests had shown earlier this week, the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office said Saturday.
The announcement brought the curtain down the town's two-day water advisory, during which its 700 residents were asked not to drink, shower with or cook with the tap water.
"We are happy to announce that the water advisory is canceled immediately," the sheriff's department said.
One other little tidbit that wasn't disclosed in the first article...
Some local fascists that were testing employee urine decided to put their collective minds to testing the town's water - and then told others of their ineptitude, without checking first.
I think they should be billed for the costs of the investigation and advisory to the town water supply. Maybe even charged with filing a false report.
Good for the newspaper business, though, and a few liars who will use it against cannabis users.