Definitely good news for veterans, provided Obama signs it
Congress Clears Way For Veterans To Get Medical Marijuana
The amendment would make it much easier for veterans to access medical cannabis.
The Veterans Equal Access Amendment, introduced by Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) and co-sponsored by a bipartisan group of lawmakers, effectively strikes down a Department of Veterans Affairs restriction on its doctors recommending medical marijuana as treatment for veterans experiencing pain, PTSD or other conditions. Under current regulations, veterans had to seek these recommendations outside of the VA system and pay out of pocket for the related expenses.
I have been deeply troubled about our inability to adequately deal with our returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan, Blumenauer said in an interview following the vote, pointing to the high rates of opioid abuse and suicide among veterans. A lot of them are suffering from PTSD, chronic pain, traumatic brain injury, and these are all conditions that have been shown to respond to medical marijuana. He continued, The notion that the VA would not allow its doctors to consult with and work with veterans regarding medical marijuana in states where its legal I thought was outrageous.
This was Blumenauers third attempt to end the VAs policy against recommending medical pot. He credited the countrys swiftly changing attitudes on marijuana as well as strong bipartisan support for the measure 57 Republicans voted in favor of it for this years passage. Looking ahead to addressing issues like marijuana banking and federal funding for cannabis research, Blumenauer predicts that momentum will continue. Im convinced within five years, everybody in America will have access to some form of medical marijuana, he said.