I make them lighter than heavier when it comes to dosing. "one is fun, two is intense"..... I never make enough of them to test them officially but they are NEVER over dosed.
Why I started making them was because I had a pretty bad experience at a String Cheese Incident show. Girl gave me a cookie, I ate half of it and went into a total anxiety freak out. Had to leave, too intense. So I started to make my own and I never have a problem with them. In fact my friends all love that they are not so strong. And I do enough at a time so they stay really consistent.
And yeah kids, that is a problem for some people BUT if you go to the pharmacy they make all medicines so you can add flavor to them to make them more palatable, so really there is no difference there. If you can hide cherry flavored codeine from kids you can certainly hide edibles from them. That is the parents responsibility.
Pets too, I had a friend who gave some edibles to some people, they left them in the car and their dog ate them. They freaked, took the dog to the vet, the vet saw an opportunity to drain the owners bank account, and the bill was for 2K. They tried to sue the people who made the edibles. Whatabunchofdipshits.