Clinton and Obama policy has been a huge part of the massive federal expansion of the war on drugs and the industry behind it. Neither have done much in the way of openly resisting, and both actively made the problems worse. This gets lost in amongst all of the other issues.
The War on Drugs is in my opinion the worst war the United States has ever had. It's done more harm to what rights we have now than, I believe, the Iraq War. The Supreme Court has shredded any meaning that might have been found within our legal system, as it's now a cruel farce that employs colorblind equality under the law to wage a literal ground war on communities of color in utterly perverse, sociopathic, full-color HD racism.
It's mildly a big deal.
This is where my biggest worries come in with Sanders, too. He gives in on issues that are key parts of being a Democratic Socialist. He isn't going to nationalize the big corporate-state-industrial complexes. That is going to be necessary at some point. Right now, I don't know what he really thinks on it. He's so far been willing to give in a fair amount to maintain his presence in American politics.
How much will he give in on once he has the presidency? I think he knows what is necessary. His record hasn't shown he will do it. I don't expect to ever see him calling for the prison-industrial industry to be nationalized. Maybe the healthcare industry. Sanders has been going at them for a while.
But at the very least, he's someone who does want to call out 90% of the bullshit, and I think he will. Americans need basic education right now. Worth it to vote for him because of that. I'll take him over the alternatives--