the weed quality is really good and the pot has been analyzed for content and adulterants. When I go to Pullman, Washington to the dispensary there, I get a full printout of all their products and they are plainly labeled.
I'm sure this underage buy will jack up the conservo crazies to new paranoia levels.
They would rather the teens purchase their weed on the street...where someone could adulterate the pot with, say, angel dust.
Also, the State police in Colorado spend an inappropriate amount of time and resources turning young girls and convincing them to go make buys for them. By "inappropriate," I mean just that. Adult officers driving around all day with underage teen girls, convincing them, if they want to be a cop someday, that they need to make some buys right now.
I was a cashier for a while and have seen all the techniques to get a clerk to fall for this, including bribes of various sorts. They never got me because I knew it was immoral and illegal, but also the fines are really big now to sell to a minor.