Can I get my Medical Card if I am not an Oregon Resident?
YES! You will need to pay a visit to one of the states 15 or so medical marijuana clinics, fill out an application and see a doctor. Hundreds of people do this every year, and have since June of 2010 when the state first started to allow it.
Tourists can get a Medical Card? And you don't need a Medical Card from another state to do it?
One additional fun fact is that Oregons Medical Marijuana Card is also accepted by dispensaries in Michigan, Maine, Montana, Rhode Island and Arizona!
Below is a list of qualifying conditions:
Chronic Pain, Glaucoma, Cancer, AIDS/HIV, Chronic Muscle Spasms, Multiple Sclerosis, GERD, Seizures, Crohns Disease, Chronic Nausea, Cachexia, Asthma, IBS, Hepatitis C, Parkinsons Disease, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Epilepsy, Degenerative Disk Disease and others.
Do you have any info on if tourists will be able to buy similar quantities as residents? I think I understand that Washington state allows residents and tourists to purchase up to one ounce at a time, a lot nicer than Colorado's 1/4 oz limit for tourists.
Oregon Medical Possession Law
The Patient Possession limit is twenty-four ounces of usable cannabis (1.5 pounds)
Cultivation: Six (6) mature cannabis plants, 18 immature seedlings
Recreational Possession Law, Initiative 91
Flower-One ounce of dried usable marijuana away from the home (28 Grams), and eight ounces (a half-pound) of dried usable marijuana at the home
Extracts and Concentrates 1 ounce(28 grams) of extract for inhalation
Edibles- 16 oz of infused product in edible form or 72 oz in beverage form
Cultivation: Four(4) marijuana plants total per household