Yes, Dish screwed this guy, but hear me out.
The counter-argument was about a company being ineligible for federal contracts if they didn't have an iron-clad 'drug free workplace' gold star on their refrigerator.
This isn't about the CO Supremes, or even the dicks over at Dish. This is about the feds.
The items they look for in drug tests mirror the fed's own drug schedule. If cannabis was lowered (or for the hell of it, removed completely as any sane society would do), then it wouldn't be on the piss test list (like nicotine)
So why is this positive? Add it to the list of what cannabis businesses face: discrimination in renting real estate, being rated for insurance, and most awesomely, not being allowed to open a bank account so they have to (i) pay their suppliers/employees in cash and (ii) make an appointment to bring a bag of cash to the IRS every quarter (seriously).
If nothing else, and on the grand scale of eternal optimism, this might not be the straw that forces the feds to deal with this, but it may potentially be the straw before that one.