Pot Is A Hallucinogen That Lets Satan Devour You, Says Colorado GOP Rep. [View all]
Pot Is A Hallucinogen That Lets Satan Devour You, Says Colorado GOP Rep. (VIDEO)
Gordon Klingenschmitt, the supreme moron of the Colorado state legislature, is back on his radio show, now that Colorados latest legislative session has ended. His controversial statements have, in the past, angered even some of his fellow Republicans, but hes one of those religious right-wingers that doesnt seem to care. Hes upset about Colorado legalizing pot, because the hallucinations it causes are actually invitations for demons to possess users.
First off, even the National Institutes of Health say that pot itself does not cause hallucinations. They do list some undesirable side effects, which can include red eyes and dry mouth, and panic and paranoia. Those last two are more common in first-time users, and people who already have a psychiatric illness.
It doesnt list hallucinations, though. What it does say is that pot is sometimes cut with other drugs that do cause hallucinations. Thats likely where the myth that people on pot hallucinate comes from. The problem, though, is that spreading that myth in the name of morality is just flat-out stupid and wrong. Klingenschmitt described so-called pot hallucinations this way, according to Right Wing Watch:
When you begin hallucinating, Im told, and you begin seeing these images, do you think thats coming from the spirit of God? No. Youre having apparitions and you are seeing and interacting with and welcoming to rule your heart a demonic spirit of drunkenness. Thats not recreational. Its evil."