Here are a couple reasons why Republicans fear 'marihuana' [View all]
Harley Wood as party girl Burma Blondie Roberts is high on giggle weed in the 1936 exploitation film Marihuana.
Are you wondering why our 19th century Republican legislators in both Minnesota and Wisconsin refuse to recognize the majority of their constituents who want legal marijuana?
I can refer you to a couple of old movies that sum up their fears. Yes, fears. So much of the Republican agenda is fear-based, particularly their fear of marijuana.
Most everyone has seen or at least knows about the propaganda film Reefer Madness, made in 1936 during the reign of bizarre drug czar Harry J. Anslinger, whose mission it was to criminalize marijuana because, as he once said, The primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races.
This is the guy who started spreading the myths about marijuana that our antebellum Republican legislators still spread to this day, the biggest lie of which is that marijuana is a gateway drug leading to cocaine and heroin use.
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