Gerrymandering of Districts, Corporate Money picking and choosing who runs. Both Parties now controlled by the Big Money flooding in from Citizens United Decision and those elected beholden to those who gave them the money for the TV Ads and mail and phone campaign messages.
The average person who has an interest in politics and making a change has to win backing of big donors who will demand loyalty to their views. The average American doesn't have a chance against the system we have now because small donors are really blocked out of influence. You could say that it's always been this way to a certain extent (that Candidates need Big Money to win) and that doesn't answer WHY the U.S. has such low voter turnouts...but, it is far worse today because both the Republican and Democratic Parties no longer need "The Common People" to sustain them financially.''
Bill Moyers has addressed the issue of Big Money flooding the parties and making all the decisions about Platform and Candidates for years with guests on his show and with his own reporting. He's old enough to remember when the "Party System" was more important for the people than it is today.
Gerrymandering, Corporate Money, Think Tank Influence, the Military Industrial, Corporate owned Media Complex are destroying the chance for the Common People to have a voice. The average "non-political" voter can sense that...and they think...."Why bother...nothing's going to change because no one wants to hear what I think."
Here's Moyer's latest show posted in DU Video's....but, he has so many more at his website and the You Tube site for "Moyers & Company."
Moyers & Company: Democrats, Not Just Republicans, Are Bowing Down to Wall Street