Bill Moyers:The Bare Knuckle Fight Against Money in Politics, How Public Power Can Defeat Plutocrats [View all]
In this turbulent midterm election year, two academics decided to practice what they preached. They left the classroom, confronted the reality of down-and-dirty politics, and tried to replace moneyed interests with the public interest.
Neither was successful this year, at least but on this weeks show, Bill talks with them about their experiences and the hard-fought lessons learned about the state of American democracy.
Government has become a clearinghouse for corporations and plutocrats with deep pockets to buy the politicians who grease the wheels for lucrative contracts and easy regulation. Its all pay for play, and look the other way.
According to the watchdog Sunlight Foundation, from 2007 to 2012, 200 corporations spent almost $6 billion in Washington on lobbying and campaign contributions. And they received more than $4 trillion in government contracts and other forms of assistance. Now that the midterm elections are over, its payback time, with the newly elected Congress ready to deliver to those who invested well in their chosen candidates.