I saw Asteroid City so that you don't have to [View all]
Its ponderous, dull, and annoying in its self conscious artificiality.
I often enjoy quirky movies, but the quirkiness in this film was so over done that I was tired of it after the first five minutes. After the first 15 minutes, I was ready to leave, but I stuck around until I finished my popcorn. Once the popcorn was done, we left. I would pay the money again, just to not have to watch it.
Im afraid the critics who are raving it up are scared to call it for the stinker it is because they dont want to lose their access. So Ill do it myself: this movie is a stinker. Avoid it.
I suppose there is something to get about it, but really, its not worth the effort to claim that you get it.
 Go patronize some high school play in your local community and give your money, time, and attention to someone who is making an honest effort, working on it, and deserves it.
I would actually be interested in hearing from someone with a different viewpoint.