...It is the "original sin" to use religious terms.
It is Eve, the feminine, who incurs God's wrath by seeking knowledge.
God, the ultimate patriarch, then punishes the feminine by throwing them out of the garden (paradise.)
Almost immediately Cain kills Abel.
What do we learn here. Satan is in the form of a snake that tempts Eve. The snake represents the the divine feminine (Mother Earth) because it slithers on the ground. So the Mother God challenges the Father God and is immediately punished. As soon as this happens one brother must kill the other to establish power and dominance.
It's all right there in the foundational myth. Everything you need to know about how "God" views power and wisdom.
Big Man>Little Man
Humans respond to stories/symbolism more easily than data and science. Symbolism works on a deeply unconscious level which makes it very powerful. So even though we have a massive amount of evidence that most of the ways we view the universe in our myths/religions are provably wrong (science) we still choose to behave as if they are right. Even to the point of destroying countless lives and our very ecosphere in the process.
We are dying for fairy tales.
We literally see this every day and in every way in the modern world. Even though we have the capability of tremendous progress, we choose almost unspeakable horror.
And it is all to feed a figment of our imagination.
There is nothing kind in Mankind...