and I find DeCaprio's totally panic stricken at all times persona to be utterly at odds with what I know of astronomers. I frequently reference My Son The Astronomer here, and trust me, astronomers are not as totally incoherent as Dr. Mindy appears to be. For one thing, an astronomer who is teaching, like Mindy, is going to be good at explaining astronomy stuff in reasonably simple terms. I constantly ask My Son The Astronomer questions about astronomy, and he can almost always answer those questions intelligibly and intelligently. Sometimes, he'll pause, and then say, "It's complicated." Depending on what I've just asked, I may say, "Never mind" other times I'll say, "Try me." Okay, so he's never discovered an asteroid that will destroy all life on this planet, but still. I'm finding Mindy's constant panic attack to be annoying, stupid, and not believable.
Astronomers are, in my experience, the most down-to-earth people ever. Many have an excellent sense of humor. To get a taste of that, read either of Paul Sutter's two books: How to Die in Space or Your Place in the Universe.