Why "Rise of Skywalker" is objectively a bad movie: [View all]
The movie makes all the mistakes any editor would slap you for if you dared to hand in your novel like that.
No character-motivation:
- The artificial hostility between Poe and Fynn comes out of nowhere with no setup and gets resolved with a hug.
Telling instead of showing:
- Poe gets a background-story via the worst-possible method of storytelling. "Oh by the way, he used to be a smuggler."
- Did you notice that none of the space-combat at the grand finale showed any of those reinforcement-ships attacking anyone?
- How exactly did Lando and Chewie convince an armada of civilian ships to not only follow them into the most dangerous sector of the galaxy on their say-so, but to follow them into the most dangerous sector of the galaxy to pick a fight with a whole fleet of Star Destroyers?
Changing the rules to force the plot:
- We're supposed to believe that the fully functional spaceship of that guy just sits in the desert for 2 decades and NOBODY tries to scavenge it, WHEN ONE OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS IS LITERAL PROOF THAT SCAVENGING IS A PROFESSION.
- Rey can Mary Sue her way out of any problem via the force, except when she's stuck in quicksand.
- How the HOLY FUCK did Palpatine build that armada? That takes a fully industrialized planet on par with Geonosis or Kuat, with endless mining-operations and smelteries and factories and shipyards and at minimum several million experienced ship-building engineers.
- Building a Death Star used to be a big deal in terms of engineering, but Palpatine somehow found a way to give each and every Star Destroyer the firepower of a Death Star?
And that fucking token LGBT-couple.
"We need to put LGBT-stuff into our movie or the SJWs will trash it. But we also have to put it into the movie in a such a way that heterosexual people won't feel offended."
"Well, we could have two people of the same gender talk to each other, look each other in the eyes and hold hands..."
"I have a better idea: What if there is no hint that a woman is a lesbian all movie long and then at the very end she's on screen for 1 second kissing another woman?"