Saw the movie two days ago. I started crying mid-way through and didn't stop.
I was born in the late 40's and was somewhat unaware of the degree of legal discrimination women went through. I
was certainly aware of discrimination and sexual harassment.
I wanted to go to college. My father said, "No man will ever have you if you go to college." I went anyway. He refused
to pay. I worked and paid for myself. When I got my Ph.D. no family member came to my graduation. We all went to
my brother's when he got his M.D.
I believed that it was important for me as a woman to be able to support myself financially if I ever got married so I
could leave if I ever wanted to. I didn't want to be dependent on a man.
It was hard to find a man because of the Ph.D. Men wanted to marry beneath them. I eventually married a man who
liked that I was smart. He wasn't intimidated by it.
My favorite song of all time is the current release by Brynn Elliott called Might Not Like Me
Whenever we have friends over we play that song and dance. Check it out!