And programs like it. Some young people seem not to be aware of how things were for women not long ago.
I was born in the 50s in the segregated deep south. I also saw a lot going on with women in the country, of all races. I went to school during a time when there were no sports programs for girls (that would take funding away from boy sports), we had to wear dresses to school, were directed to take Home Ec while the boys were steered toward shop. Women were paid far less than men, and it was matter of factly stated so openly. It was agreed that that was a perfectly normal thing to do, since they weren't men. If they insist on working. Working women were seen as taking jobs away from men, unless it was in a female dominated field. There was no day care. Working mothers had a very hard time.
Some young women have no idea. I get a little irritated when I see young women squandering all the opportunities they have now. (Of course, I had it better than my grandmothers, and I squandered opportunities.)
Knowledge is power.