I particularly like the second paragraph. Since you did such a good job, it is hard to "pick it apart," but.... ( ... I would like to add a couple of ideas:
....Someting that indicates one's sexual orientation/identity is also not an issue; meaning, if you are GLBT and have been victimized, you too are welcome in this group. I know this might seem redundant, but a number of GLBT people are intimidated, not only by the act against them, but because they are GLBT. (That actually happened to me here, at DU, twice.)
...A reminder that, while this is a judgment-free area, it is important to remember others have access to this area, so share accordingly. I know it sounds ominous, but after what a few of us have experienced, I really do want people to feel safe here, but not worry once they go back to general areas they will be attacked or harassed.
...This group is for support, not a forum to attack other members of society, except for those responsible for the acts or those who would allow these acts to be minimized or ignored.
...I don't want to sound unfriendly, but should we also include something that basically says if you can't follow these points, you will be immediately blocked?
As for host, I think you'd be fine. I don't know you'd chase people off or not. There are a few groups where I absolutely cannot stand one or more of the hosts, but it doesn't stop me from posting there. I know others may not feel the same, but I feel most of us have some baggage with a different group anyway. So, personally, I am OK with you or one_voice hosting. I don't think it will be taxing, but we really should have a host...just in case (I learned my lesson the hard way in regards to another group).