Obama’s spiritual advisor releases President’s daily email devotionals [View all]
Jonathan Merritt
In the midst of the 2008 Presidential campaign, one manSenator Obamas Director of Religious Outreachwas concerned about the soul of the future President. Though Joshua Dubois prayed privately for Obama, he was convicted to go one step further, emailing the President a daily devotional reading.
For the first time ever, a collection of those devotionals have been released through DuBois new book, The Presidents Devotional, Here, we discuss President Obamas spirituality, many conservatives charge that he isnt really a Christian, and the First Ladys faith.
JM: Youve shared a lot of devotional material in this book. Is there one you felt was particularly influential on the President?
JD: Let me start off by saying that I cant speak for the President. He has said many times how meaningful the devotionals have been to him. And Im honored that he would say that. I think, though, however, that there are some that are particularly resonant, particularly those that weave in history and culture together with Scripture to make a point. So there are a few.
- See more at: http://jonathanmerritt.religionnews.com/2013/10/21/obamas-spiritual-advisor-releases-presidents-daily-email-devotionals/#sthash.TCEBDzuB.dpuf