The President's Devotional: The Daily Readings That Inspired President Obama [View all]
by Joshua DuBois
It was a glorious day here, cool, windy and sunny, and a friend and I went out and did some errands. She had some books she bought, and one was this, 'an uncorrected proof' in paper book of this coming out in a few weeks.
While I have mixed feelings about faith based programs, more negative than positive actually, this was a good read for the genre it is.
It starts as if a Journal or Diary, from January 1st. While my friend was still shopping, I read about a third of it. There were some things I didn't care for, but others, particularly those pages with historical quotes as well, were good and might appeal to anyone. .
One thing is certain, the daily devotional touched on things of importance to Democrats, the poor, the vulnerable and respecting all people.
Just a little bit for you guys to think about, if you get a chance or have any interest. It was encouraging to think we have a man in office who is thinking deeply about things like this. .
Something that Obama said about Syria, reflects on this kind of belief system. He said that we must move away from a world based on 'Might Makes Right' to one of 'Right Makes Might.'
IOW, justice and humane actions are the strength of an ideal, not violence or coercion. Obama has aid more than one time that he believes that the American people will do the right thing in many matters, that there are many who seek to do good.
Available in hardback and Kindle at Amazon on October 22nd.