bill: The bottom line is that the very people who glorify and worship the almighty gun are attempting to vilify an artist who realistically depicts the fruits of their support for the unfettered proliferation of guns, by calling him a hypocrite for taking a stand against guns and gun violence.
If weinstein has knowingly directly invested in s&w or ruger or winchester et al, then he'd be hypocritical imo, for glorifying guns while bashing the gunnuts at the nra; just to portray guns as largely death machines in some pseudo realistic movies which stretch the imagination is not; his stance can be seen as a bit incongruous tho but he's no hypocrite.
(lifted from my reply at rkba bd): Richard Nixon escalated the vietnam war by conscription & sending hundreds of thousands of men & women there & equipping them with rifles & grenades & napalm for killing - then nixon said something like handguns should be banned in america - that didn't make nixon a hypocrite for arming american citizens with the best small arms available while concomittantly calling for gun control.
Weinstein saying, I dont think we need guns in this country.
I don't think the world needs nuclear weapons, but I don't think they should be disallowed countries so long as others have them as well. {this is} his opinion about 'needing' guns in america. .. Many people would say Americans don't need tobacco/cigarettes, while not calling for a proscription. (so weinstein did not call for american gun disarmament as a few gn posters contended).