How to Win an Argument With a Gun Nut EVERY Time! [View all]
Great read, good analysis and some good points.
Shall not be infringed.
The right to bear arms is ALREADY infringed for many, and for very good reason. Heres a short list of things that could easily happen if we were to give you your way, remove all infringements, and completely deregulate the Second Amendment:
...A career felon could walk out of prison, and purchase a full-auto AK-47 from Walmart
...Your psycho ex could buy a sniper rifle and silencer from some guy for $100
...A mentally handicapped child could get a pistol from a vending machine
...Known terrorists and those with terrorist affiliations could easily purchase Stinger missile launchers to shoot down airliners, and RPGs to blow up your Hummer
...Any nutjob could walk out of the asylum, buy a grenade launcher and flamethrower, and visit your kids at school.
The Second Amendment is our only protection from TYRANNY!
They have drones. They have laser-firing aircraft that can blow up one target every 15 seconds in a 150-mile radius. They have surveillance satellites, nuclear bombs, missiles, poison gas, tanks, aircraft carriers, bombers. The U.S. government beat the THIRD REICH. They beat JAPAN. And that was 75 years ago, with 2,000-mile long supply lines. Seriously, not to be defeatist, but its not like theyre going to invade with cotton-shirted police carrying pointy sticks. At least, not before they laser-bomb you from orbit using atomic drones with nerve gas. (The usual response to this is, Yeah, but they have to HAVE those things and people to operate them first. The rebuttal is So, your strategy is to win by assuming they cant fight back, and that the U.S. Government wont launch a first strike. Good luck with that.)
Gun regulations are a slippery slope
The United States passed its first gun control laws prior to the Civil War, criminalizing possession of firearms by blacks. Be honest, whats your opinion on THAT one? Gun regulations have existed in the United States for about 150 years, evolving many times since then to cover machine guns, assault rifles, Saturday Night Specials and undetectable firearms. And you can still carry an AR-15 around with a .45 in your back pocket.
Everybody who dont agree with us is a GUN GRABBING COMMIE!
Gun grabbing Commies? Really? 91% of Americans are gun-grabbing Communists? Does that include the 88% of Republicans, 90% of Independents and 88% legal gun owners who support universal background checks? Wanting to regulate and control a certain type of gun or accessory doesnt mean you want to get rid of ALL guns. About 59% of Americans (41% of Republicans) support a ban on assault weapons, 58% (40% of Republicans) want to ban hi-cap magazines, and 26% of Americans would support a ban on handguns.