ghost: Poor little jimmy the one. Is that a God Complex,"the one"? Do you think you're the Chosen One or something?? We can tell you think you're already a prophet, or psychic. Here's proof:
not that I ever was when I was in the navy, just a noncomm: JIMMY .. JIMMY-THE-ONE .. Naval nickname for the First Lieutenant of a ship. In the early days he was referred to as the "First Luff". Usually nowadays abbreviated to JIMMY and known as NUMBER ONE.
Learn somethin' new every day dontcha ghost?
ghost: I responded to the OP, which was about a $6,000 belt-fed rifle, nothing more...
No you didn't, you replied to paladin. (learning, learning)
ghost 1:Anyone who has six grand to blow on a rifle will 99.9% of the time have that weapon locked away in a gun safe that is hidden in a wall, or bolted down to floor so it *can't* be stolen because they are virtually impossible to break in to.
ghost 2: Next, you try to double down on your psychic abilities: "Baloney, some will keep it above the fireplace mantel or perhaps on a pedestal in the living room, ha."
Wasn't psychic, just a more reasoned approach to your gibberished baloney. 99.9% ghost? really ghost? 999 out of 1000 owners will do that? you're nuts. I bet half them owners will have it home displayed with at most a chain lock or trigger lock looped under the trigger, or in a showcase cabinet. Tho some surely will, you're absolutely nuts to think 99.9% will have a $6,000 rifle locked away in a hidden or bolted gun safe. They leave $30,000 cars parked in shopping center parking lots & there's such a thing as theft insurance. Learn something new every day - twice in one day!