It's only a game of "ping pong" if you are ignorant enough to toss studies around like ping pong balls without actually reading them, or even determining whether they are legitimate peer reviewed science or pure propaganda. (Really, do you know what peer review is?).
The first link you post comes the closest -- the CDC task force -- but the basic findings there are that there is insufficient evidence to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of certain specific gun control laws (note that it doesn't actually say they are ineffective, they say there should be more studies performed, something the NRA stepped in to prevent from happening). More to the point, that certainly says nothing about the established empirical link between gun ownership rates and homicide, particularly the studies that have been published in the last 10 years on the topic after the CDC report.
Your second "study" is the infamous non-peer reviewed study published in a right-wing law review by Kates and Mauser. That fact that you even include this in your list is testament to your scientific ignorance. It's basically equivalent to linking to a right-wing fundamentalist article about how "the gay" can be cured. Your credibility is pretty much zero after that. This study has massive errors, which I've gone over in detail, since this seems to be a gungeoneer favorite:
The third study is just a pew survey about people not knowing much about homicide statistics -- totally irrelevant.
The fourth "study", again not peer reviewed, is published on the "libertarian republic" and does not even attempt to do any kind of statistical analysis. Unbelievably, this is even worse than Kates-Mauser.
Sorry, a bunch of random web links does not constitute a "study". Try again!