bill: To the NRA apologists and DU's very own Gungeoneers ... What these right-wing, Libertarian gun fetishists fail to realize..
I just did two polls (over 2 wks) on the UN Arms Trade Treaty, one in GC/RKBA board, the other in Politics2013, & the results show the startling dichotomy between regular (or commoner) democrats & pro gun democrats, even on such a non-2ndA topic as the UN ATT - which is largely aimed at controlling illegal international weapons trade to stifle 3rd world countries obtaining large quantities thereof.
Politics 2013 -- 13 votes over a week, july2013:
12 More Fully Support (UN Arms Trade Treaty)
01 Somewhat Support
GC/RKBA board -- 35 votes, 1 pass (2 wks now):
09 More Fully Support
01 Somewhat Support
04 Ambivalent
01 Somewhat Oppose
20 More Fully Oppose
1) Dem Political Posters 92% full + 8% somewhat = 100% support UN ArmsTradeTreaty.
2) GC/RKBA Posters 26% full + 3% somewhat = 29% support UN ATT.
57% Full oppose + 3% somewhat = 60% oppose UN ATT
.............................. 11% ambivalent, support part oppose part.
(repost).. imo this demonstrates a rightwing tendency on rkba bd, quelle surprise.
The Dem Politics bd is over represented at 100% obviously, but I doubt by much, maybe 90% support would evolve over time with a larger sample size, imo.
Even so, with such larger opposition, 60% opposed on more of a 'dem' gun board*, & only ~30% support, it demonstrates a disconnect between a majority of pro gun posters with their commoner democrat constituents in essentially a non 2ndA/gun area, since ATT does not apply to american gun policy, outside of gun industry profits perhaps. Ambivalence depends moreso on what you disagree with. It's just some knee jerk reaction to oppose gun control as evil, even when it doesn't have much to do with american gun policy.
If you think UN Arms Trade Treaty infringes on 2ndA rkba, I can only think paranoia.
But don't despair, rejoice. It's a non scientific poll.
*Hard to compensate for rightwing infiltrators like excopLS, remove his vote I should but wouldn't change it much, couple pts either way.