bill h: SYG and CW are just thinly-veiled excuses for a return to KKK-style vigilantism, as revealed by the travesty in Florida
Macho 'nobody bothers me' laws, which as much gives more license to overreact & get away with it, than prevents any real damage which might've occurred.
Was just reading where zimmerman could still face either or both a civil trial & federal charges. I think the latter doubtful, despite both president & atty general being black I bet they opt out of it for fear of being accused of playing race card. The civil trial better liklihood of going on, & only takes a majority maybe 9 of 12 jurors to convict of wrongful death, rather than murder or manslaughter. Reminiscent of OJ where he got away with murder but was convicted in the civil trial.
In hindsight (& I thot zimmerman guilty of something) I bet zimm would've been convicted of aggavated assault if they'd sought that charge, coulda spent 5 years or so.
bains: Notice he invokes the blood he got on his hands form military service and his fallen comrades. So he uses his dead to advance his cause, indeed as justification for why he is more important than the rest of us, but he resents the fact that mourning parents would fight for gun control in memory of their slain children.
What's crazier is the 'rights' he's so upset about losing - rights to an ak47 or ar15 assault rifles & supermags - the way he's ranting you'd think obama was gonna rescind the 2ndA & confiscate all his guns (at gunpoint!) leaving him a single shot musket, then throwing him back in afghanistan with it.
weiss: .. better men than me gave up a whole lot more so that all of you, myself included, could enjoy the rights that are guaranteed to us in our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Drama queen, you're no nathan hale the only thing you got right, & when the bill of rights & 2ndA were written that's most all they had was those single shot muskets;
.. the SAFE act he's whining about bans maybe two percent of new yorks (available) gunstock, leaving such a selection to choose from a small army could be outfitted with hundreds of different sophisticated guns & rifles. And he isn't limited to one gun purchase per month, it's all you can eat (I think). He certainly served in a well regulated militia but 90% of others never do anymore, & assault rifles & supermags embolden criminals & potential criminals moreso than it helps 'law abiding citz' ward them off. Despite nra bleatings, criminals & potentials LOVE seeing guncontrol measures like this getting defeated, cause they know how easier it'll be to get the guns cause they'll be so plentiful. Somebody should do an ex-violent con poll 'were you happy when guncontrol laws were passed'? I bet only the minority would say yes.