Media Matters presents NRA's Ted Nugent's 10 most inflammatory comments.
10. Tucson "Conservatives Should Turn Up The Rhetoric".. 6 dead 19 injured, including horrific injuries to Rep. Giffords (D-AZ).. {nugent} "[e]xpose, isolate eliminate liberals and their fuzzy-headed policies" "do America a favor and crush liberalism."
9. Democratic Party Is A "Modern-Day Slave Master" To "Poor, Unemployed."
8. Nugent criticized NBA for fining Kobe Bryant for using a gay slur..Nugent further wrote that "if the NBA had any true gay convictions, the NBA should host a Homosexual Night" during which "homosexuals could come down on the court, hold hands and prance around the court to music by the Village People. The NBA could then give each homosexual a pink basketball as a symbol of solidarity."
7. Nugent repeatedly drawn controversy for wearing shirts emblazoned with the Confederate battle standard. 2000 performance in SCarolina, Nugent "those politically correct (profane name) can take the flag down, but I am going to wear it forever."
6. Watching Police Pepper-Spray Protesters Is "Good For My Conservative Soul." "Occupy stooges on parade: It's fun watching Democrats getting hauled off to jail,".. the "hearty laugh[s]" he had after "watching the cops pounce on and pepper-spray a few Occupy stooges and then drag the dirtballs off to jail in shackles." "good for my conservative soul and gold for my sense of humor."
5. Anyone Who Says "Gun Control" Should Be Jailed. May 2011, Nugent at NRA's meeting,"if it was up to me, if you uttered the word 'gun control,' we'd put you in jail."
4. 1994 Nugent of Hillary Clinton: "You probably can't use the term `toxic cunt' in your magazine, but that's what she is.. bitch is nothing but a 2-bit whore for Fidel Castro."
3. 2000 Nugent defended anti-gay comments by then-Atlanta pitcher hhhh, saying "I got to tell you, guys that have sex with each others' anals cavities - how can we offend guys that have anal sex? Don't you think that might offend some of us who think that's despicable?"
2. Aug2010, Nugent"the Muslim community is being tremendously rude and stupid for wanting to build a mosque so close to Ground Zero in NY City." He also wrote that "If Islam is the religion of peace, then I'm a malnourished, tofu-eating anti-hunter," "Islam is no more a peaceful religion than Jim Jones was a Christian prophet." "[n]ot all Muslims are religious whacks who deserve a bullet," but stated that "the statistics are alarming."
1. Obama Is "A Piece Of Shit" Who Should "Suck On My Machine Gun." Aug 2007 while brandishing what appeared to be two assault rifles, Nugent "hey Obama, you might want to suck on one of these, you punk,""hey Obama, he's a piece of shit, I told him to suck on my machine gun.""I said, 'hey Hillary, you might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless bitch." Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) "might want to suck on my machine gun," ..Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), "ride one of these you worthless whore."
This is one of the guys calling the shots at the nra? Rather than usher this rightwing cretin out the door the NRA points to Ted Nugent with pride. Contrast with Paula Deen who evidently used n-word, admitted to but says not maliciously & is remorseful, & was fired by a couple backers..
Hmmm, this post could get hidden as too harsh. Don't blame the messenger please.