The Unholy Trinity: Koch Brothers, ALEC, and the NRA [View all]
The father of the Koch brothers was a member of the John Birch Society. Now the Kochs work with ALEC and the NRA to get Stand Your Ground laws passed around the country. The racist nature of the these laws has prompted the Congressional Black Caucus to introduce a resolution to repeal all 42 Stand Your Ground/ Shoot to Kill Laws around the country. Video at the link.
"ALEC, also known as the American Legislative Exchange Council, is a not-for-profit entity whose goal is to rewrite laws and produce model bills that govern our rights. It boasts a $7 million a year budget, and calls itself the nations largest group of state legislators but, in fact, the majority of its funding comes from corporations and special interest groups. So, it should be no surprise that its laws mostly benefit corporate America. Among the myriad corporations funding ALEC are Koch Industries and the National Rifle Association. ALEC has been instrumental in promoting the so-called Stand Your Ground laws that are shielding Trayvon Martins alleged killer. There are now 24 states with sweeping Stand Your Ground laws, just like the one in Florida.
The Koch Brothers are billionaires who spend millions of dollars funding groups, like ALEC and the Tea Partys Americans for Prosperity, to rewrite our laws in their own right-wing ideological image. Twice a year, the Koch Brothers invite conservative politicians and millionaires to a summit to discuss legislative agenda. Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas are two of the past attendees. Ergo, we should not be surprised about the Citizens United ruling. The brothers are not shy about spending millions to influence legislation and, perhaps, buy an election while theyre at it.
In the wake of the Trayvon Martin murder, the Koch Brothers sought to distance themselves from the ensuing controversy by releasing a statement saying that they had nothing to do with it. This is an utter lie. Michael Morgan of Koch Industries has sat on ALECs Private Enterprise Board for 10 years, is the Kansas State Corporate Co-Chair, and was the Vice Chairman level sponsor of the 2011 ALEC Annual Conference.
Not surprisingly, the driving force behind the Stand Your Ground laws is the NRA. Why? Simple economics. The NRA championed the original Florida law in 2004, and has continued to push for these laws across the nation. In August 2005, NRA lobbyist Marion Hammer asked legislators and lobbyists at a closed-door meeting of ALECs Criminal Justice Task Force to adopt the Florida Castle Doctrine bill as an ALEC model bill. According to the NRA, her suggestion was well received and was approved unanimously.
Video at link