Bill Regulating 3D Printed Guns Announced In NYC [View all]
NEW YORKA new bill to regulate 3D printed guns was introduced by Council Member Lewis Fidler (D-Brooklyn) on June 12.
The bill would amend the New York administrative code to make it illegal to use a 3D printer to create any part of a firearm unless the person is a licensed gunsmith. A gunsmith using a 3D printer to print any part of a gun would be required to notify the NYPD and register it within 72 hours.
Proposed revisions to the code include language ensuring 3D printed guns fall under the same regulations as other firearms. This includes clarification on systems to feed bullets, requirements for a serial number, and regulations against destroying weapons.
Cody Wilson, creator of the first 3D printed guns, and founder of Defense Distributed, said in an email interview, Such legislation is a deprivation of equal protection and works in clear ignorance of Title I and II of U.S. gun laws. Wilson was referring to Title 1, the Gun Control Act of 1968, and Title 2, the National Firearms Act.