I'm certainly not trying to be deliberately obstructive and I do appreciate your time, but I've checked and rechecked this, and the only options I have in My Stuff > Account Settings are:
Site settings
General Settings
Auto-add new discussions to Journal
Available to serve on DU Juries
Time zone
Visual appearance
Default Mode
Night Mode
Skinner Mode
Day/Night Cycle
Show avatars
Show signature lines
Use large fonts
Social media integration
Show Facebook button on OPs
Show Twitter button on OPs
Show tweet indicator
Show video indicator
My solution for now is to remove Editorials & Other Articles from my subscriptions, as new posts appear there regularly, but that's obviously not ideal!
As an additional observation: if an objection to adding a standalone "Your Posts" button to the left-hand column is that this would duplicate the "Posts" button under "My Stuff", we have a "Feed Settings" button in the left-hand column which duplicates the "Feed" button under "My Stuff".
Surely if the design can accommodate the standalone "Feed Settings" button, adding a "Your Posts" button in that column wouldn't break anything?
An alternative would be to add a "Your Posts" button alongside the "Navigate" and "My Stuff" tabs at page top, so it would then appear on every page (I know they would function differently, "Your Posts" being a true hyperlink button and the others triggering scripts, but that shouldn't matter).
If you simply don't
want to add a "Your Posts" button, that's fine, and obviously your prerogative, but lack of space doesn't seem like a sound reason.