Google Glass: Orwellian surveillance with fluffier branding [View all]
... Imagine if Google or Facebook decided to install their own CCTV cameras everywhere, gathering data about our movements, recording our lives and joining up every camera in the land in one giant control room. Its Orwellian surveillance with fluffier branding. And this isnt just video surveillance Glass uses audio recording too. For added impact, if youre not content with Google analysing the data, the person can share it to social media as they see fit too.
Yet that is the reality of Google Glass. Everything you see, Google sees. You dont own the data, you dont control the data and you definitely dont know what happens to the data. Put another way what would you say if instead of it being Google Glass, it was Government Glass? A revolutionary way of improving public services, some may say. Call me a cynic, but I dont think itd have much success.
More importantly, who gave you permission to collect data on the person sitting opposite you on the Tube? How about collecting information on your childrens friends? There is a gaping hole in the middle of the Google Glass world and it is one where privacy is not only seen as an annoying restriction on Googles profit, but as something that simply does not even come into the equation. Google has empowered you to ignore the privacy of other people. Bravo.
Its already led to reactions in the US. Stop the Cyborgs might sound like the rallying cry of the next Terminator film, but this is the start of a campaign to ensure places of work, cafes, bars and public spaces are no-go areas for Google Glass. Theyve already produced stickers to put up informing people that they should take off their Glass...