Getting Occupy news from Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ [View all]
I keep up with Occupy doings mostly from social media -- so I'd like to start a thread with the sources I've found most useful. Hopefully, other people will add to it.
I keep track of Twitter accounts I'm interested in mainly through RSS feeds so that I don't get overwhelmed by having hundreds of tweets a day come through my personal stream. Twitter doesn't make it easy to get the RSS links, but I'll include them here along with the account names. If anybody is interested, pipe up and I'll tell how to find them.
The first two of these are for Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Oakland. The rest are for various live-streamers, who are good sources of breaking news because it's their business to be wherever a story is happening.
@OccupyWallStNYC (
@occupyoakland (
@Timcast (
@Dwayne_wins (
@AJWatchDC (
@OakFoSho (
I've only got a few Occupy pages "liked," and some of those are local ones for my area. However, OccupyUpdates is a good source of general news, and walkupy keeps track of the various long-distance marches that are ongoing. (Two currently, but more promised to start up this spring.)
Google +
I really don't understand how Google+ works, but somehow I seem to be subscribed to a circle of Occupy Groups that regularly sends out updates with new additions to the circle -- nearly a hundred in all by now, though most aren't particularly active. Here are a few that post regularly.
Occupy Wall Street (
Occupy Nation (
Occupy University (
#occupy (
Occupy Movement (
Occupy Gainesville (
Occupy Denver (
Occupy UMD (