Biggest Myths About The Right-To-Work Laws [View all]
Poor Man's Media @poormansmedia
Myths about #RightToWork laws. Article:
#ALEC #labour #workers #unions
Retweeted by fr0g5
Right-to-work is a movement that is trying to gut unions by cutting off their major source of funding. What these laws do is say you don't have to pay union dues if you work for a unionized employer, and you can't be turned down for employment just because you don't belong to the union.
While that may sound like a cost saving, I think failing to join your union is a mistake. If you aren't involved, how can you complain about what the union is doing? It's like complaining about Congress but not voting. If the union is going to represent you, it makes sense for you to have your voice heard. If you don't like what they're doing, get more involved, not less. Become a representative. Run for office. All that failing to join means is that your opinion doesn't matter.
The bottom line:
Right-to-work laws don't give employers the right to fire you at will. They already have that right. What these laws mean is that you'll have less ability to unionize and fight for better working conditions, wages and an agreement that your employer will only fire you for just cause.
(More at the link.)