ALEC, the national popular vote, and GOP electoral college rigging: [View all]
ALEC Exposed @ALECexposed
#ALEC, the national popular vote, and GOP electoral college rigging: #ctl #p2 #uppers #nerdland
Retweeted by Michael Buell
ALEC Has Opposed "Popular Vote" Efforts Which Would Protect Against Partisan Rigging of Electoral College
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has actively lobbied against state plans to implement a national popular vote for president, urging state legislators to preserve the Electoral College -- which GOP legislators are now trying to rig to ensure the the next president is a Republican. In late 2011, ALEC officially changed its policy on the Electoral College to implicitly support allocating electoral votes by congressional district.
Republican leaders, including Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus, have been criticized for recent proposals to allocate electoral votes according to the victor in each Congressional district, rather than according to the winner-take-all system. This change would significantly benefit the GOP's presidential chances, in part because Republicans were able to re-draw Congressional districts to favor their party after the 2010 elections.
In Virginia, where the Republican-led legislature has taken the first step toward reallocating the state's electoral votes, Mitt Romney would have garnered nine of Virginia's electoral votes in 2012, and Obama would have won four -- despite Obama beating Romney by 150,000 votes and four percentage points in the state as a whole.
(More at the link.)