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Showing Original Post only (View all)"Occupy SEC" Heads up LEO! Is this group "for Real" or Not? [View all]
Heads Up "Leopold's Ghost!"
I just watched "Democracy Now" with Amy Goodwin where Alexis Goldsmith seemed to be in charge of OWS/SEC..(she admitted she's not sanctioned by OWS, but their group went ahead and did work to post a refute of "Dodd/Frank" and to petition to get a "Full" ..."VOLKER RULE" back into place to counteract what President Clinton did when Clinton got the vote to get Glass-Steagall Repealed in his second term (when he was under threat of Monica Backlash)
Then I did a search on Alexis Goldsmith (who had appeared on Democracy Now) and found she'd ALSO appeared on "Up" show on MSNBC with Chris Hayes which shows on early MSNBC on Weekends and she'd laid out her case there for RESTORE GLASS-STEAGALL.) She caveated her role as "former Wall Street Employee" with how her "message" hasn't been approved by OWS Movement...but, she felt she had to do it on her own...but she has many supporters in doing this.
Here's an example of a "subgroup of OWS" going ROGUE. They don't CLEAR THIS with their OWS GROUP but go off and DO THEIR OWN THING?
(CAVEAT: In this case I would applaud what she did...but, that she didn't CLEAR IT FIRST with OWS Original Movement ...worries me. Especially since we now that Goldberg guy is trying to TAKE OVER OWS for his own ends.
BUT...that "Democracy Now" and "Chris Hayes" gave her AIR TIME ...BIG...I'm wondering about this.
WHAT DO YOU THINK? Because we know the "MOVEMENT" is very prone to being corrupted by interests that go ROGUE.
I loved the Attention to OWS from both sites....but, I'm always, these days, covering my back.
What We Did
Occupy the SEC has submitted a 325 page letter to the SEC, FDIC, the Federal Reserve and the OCC, to comment on the notice of proposed rulemaking for the Volcker Rule. In our comment letter, we answered 244 out of 395 questions asked by the Agencies.
The Agencies involved in the Volcker rulemaking process have an historic opportunity to redress many of the economic wrongs of the past, and create a future that privileges the interests of the many rather than the few. We ask that the Agencies vigorously implement the considerable responsibilities that have been discharged to them by Congress, remain faithful to the statutes intent and consider the comments contained in this letter.
Listed vs. OTC: Why the NYSE is not the Problem
Posted on February 23, 2012 by alexis
At the heart of the 2008 crash were a number of opaque, complex products with three-letter acronyms: MBS, CDO, and CDS. These products that have devastated our economy all have one very important thing in common: they were all traded over-the-counter (OTC).
One defines an OTC product by what it is not: if it is not traded on any financial exchange, its an OTC product. Since it is not traded on a public exchange, an OTC product is nothing more than a handshake between two people and a legal document outlining the terms of the trade.
You can think of an OTC trade as a bespoke suit. Instead of going to a department store and buying something off the rack, in a set size that may not fit you, you visit a tailor, who makes a custom suit tailored just to you. Because its tailor-made, youre going to have to pay more for it.
EDITED for missing Parens......