Via Occupy News
"Recent history has shown that protesting can have a significant impact. In fact, what other single method has been as effective as protesting? Dictators in Tunisia and Egypt would not have been overthrown if it weren't for protesting. And there's no questioning the impact of the Occupy movement.
Protesting (which includes marches, rallies, pickets, strikes, non-violent direct action, sit-ins, etc.) doesn't always work, and it's not the end all solution to every problem. Sometimes protesting is part of the solution, and other times, protesting leads to incremental improvements. Sometimes it's just to bring about awareness and to build momentum. Protesting is also a way to let off steam, and to be around like minded people.
The establishment has perpetuated the myth that protesting doesn't work because they want to deter people from doing it. People in power must love it when activists take the bait and say that protesting doesn't work.
Here are some recent examples where protesting has worked":