Goal oriented vs feelgood protest events [View all]
Working class people see campaigns as practical, because they have stated and achievable goals and targets that can yield to the campaigns demands. I remember a typical reaction of Philadelphia working class people to most of the activist protests at the 2000 Republican National Convention: Nuthin but fun and games. Especially emphatic were some African-American working class members of a group that does direct action including civil disobedience to make gains for poor people. The ones I listened to were not only dismissive, but angry at the waste both of the protesters energy and the city having to spend extra money.
Working class people often experience middle class people as self-absorbed, claiming space for something that turns out in the end to be only about themselves. Even when a black person confronts a white middle class activist for what appears to be racist behavior, a typical white will explain themselves at great length with long excuses and righteous claims turning their own hurtful behavior into an occasion for making it all about them.
That pattern offers a lens into looking at activist demonstrations that seem to have no other object than self-expression. The problem is not confined to radical anarchists; polite Quakers also have a tendency to stand in vigils that have no clear relation to achieving change. What is the point? a working class person might ask