Rank exaggeration helps nobody [View all]
anybody in contact with OSD please, have them correct these mostly on the mark flyers for the TTP
What is the issue as far as the flier is concerned? In Secret.
If this was such a secret none of us would know about this. That ranges from the OSD folks to us media critters, to Amy Goodman.
There is more... while there are issues of lack of openness, this is being held by Commerce and hosted by the State Department.
Here is one more, we are also covering Comicon (best fun, freak, what have you show on Earth), next month. It took an Email to the office of the Trade Representative to get press credentials. Anybody care to ask how many hoops we had to jump for Comicon?
This treaty is bad enough already... (been working on the background to write the article to go with the coverage, which included reading the leaked chapter of the treaty) Tomorrow I hope to confirm or deny that Wyden was refused access... sorry, this media thing does not mean I trust Salon when they claim such. So yes, I asked his media contact today... that's the way it is.
Now like ALL international agreements, (and private negotiations) quite a bit of this will not be open to the press or public. The issue is not TPP, it is how all treaties are negotiated. And no, before anybody says so, I am not in the pocket of any powerful media organization... or anything like that. I just want to be fair and let you know... that single item will have a lot of folks ignore the rest of the message, because you can bet your sweet potatoes there will be media covering this... lord knows I will be there, and I suspect my local media will be there, with at least my compadres from Reuters and AP... as well as international media, especially international media.