Trailer Park Evicted to Make Room for Fracking
The blockade lasted almost two weeks. Activists from Occupy Cleveland arrived on the scene on June 4, driving across the state line to respond to Riverdale's open call for volunteers to help them hold the site. Volunteers began coming, and a modest flow of monetary donations trickled in. On June 11, Riverdale sent out an emergency call after being told by a utility worker that Aqua America's construction crew would arrive to begin excavations the following day.
But at noon on June 12, a private security company contracted by Aqua America arrived on the scene and began dismantling the blockade (watch a video here.) Nonresident protesters were told to leave or risk arrest for trespassing. When some resisted, the Pennsylvania State Police were called to the scene. Riverdale residents stepped in before any arrests were made, requesting that all volunteers leave in compliance with the police.
Over the past 10 days, construction has begun on the former trailer park. Seven families remain on the premises and are in negotiations with Aqua America for financial compensation.
Lotorto noted that they are also banned from having guests, a measure originally meant to prevent additional barricades and protesters that may have gotten out of hand. "There are three private security guards at all times and floodlights on the place all night," he said. "They can't get their mail; the mailman isn't allowed in there. They can't get anyone to come help them move their things. It's like they're incarcerated."