OWS Statement of Demands [View all]
*We DECLINE to take the fall for corporate greed. As the imminent failure of a system is clearly upon us WE THE PEOPLE will not continue to suffer as corporations and institutions enjoy epic gains of profit, federal forgiveness and support that this country in turn denies to the very citizens who make it great. This includes industries of FINANCE, HEALTH CARE, EDUCATION/HIGHER EDUCATION, GOVERNMENT, HOUSING, SOCIAL WORK and LOBBYISTS.
*We DEMAND that the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT take an ACTIVE role in disassociating itself from the interests of private Wall Street and honor its position as an agent of the PEOPLE. WE THE PEOPLE DEMAND BOLD ACTION FROM OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS TO STOP THE CIPHONING OF MONEY INTO THE TOP 5%. We understand this will impact their personal portfolios and invite them to realign their values with those of the American people. (Community, strength, innovation, grit, vision
*We OCCUPY WALL STREET and challenge the largest powers of this nation: our military and police forces, the judicial system, corporate/federal employees on every level and academic institutions to IMMEDIATELY STOP practices across-the-board that employ prejudice against peoples racial/ethnic, social and sexual identity. Unlearning the values that oppress one another is the ONLY way to HEAL this ailing nation. How sick are the hearts of the people who can look down with champagne and laugh as we ask to be given a chance to thrive?
*We OCCUPY WALL STREET as people who are challenging our state of suffering. We DEMAND that all citizens aligning themselves with our mission realize this is greater than returning this country to a nostalgic place of betterness. THIS IS ABOUT REPAIRING, RENEWING AND REVIVING THIS NATION. It is hard work and it is overdue.