Occupy Underground
In reply to the discussion: Occupy Cleveland canceled May Day protest plans to march in the city because of this: [View all]pinboy3niner
(53,339 posts)You advocate confronting violent disruptors with "moral authority," "not lifting a finger." As if yelling platitudes at them will convince them of the error of their ways and they will slink off, tails between their legs. Ha!
You've never laid out what you mean by large numbers of Occupiers exerting "moral authority." How, exactly, does that work? We stand around and yell at them? We have a debate? How, even with superior numbers, do we force disruptors to cease and desist, "while not lifting a finger"?
Occupy groups around the country teach tactics for dealing with disruptors--distancing, isolating, recording, and calling police attention to their actions. Those are the things that Occupiers can do that can work.
The notion that all it takes is a superior number of Occupiers exerting moral--but nonviolent--authority is ludicrous. Anyone who has been in the streets can tell you that the disruptors can't be stopped that way. Some may be deterred--but only briefly--when they see Occupiers recording them. But most will only be stopped when they are confronted physically. And that's a job for the police, not for nonviolent Occupiers.