Occupy Underground
In reply to the discussion: Occupy Cleveland canceled May Day protest plans to march in the city because of this: [View all]MADem
(135,425 posts)Yes, those evil police will separate people, and no one will know, unless someone carves the events on a cave wall--because we have no way of recording these events.
And what might happen when the police separate the groups? Why, the press--that M$M-- will swoop in to cover that, and they'll get interviews--not from the disruptors throwing shit and hiding their faces and running away, but from the purposeful Occupy-types saying "We're not about that violence, we repudiate that, and that's why we were identifying the people, not associated with us, who were misbehaving and trying to ruin our demonstration here. You see, we're about (insert message that illustrates purpose of protest for that day). That's why we're here."
As I said below, Occupy isn't full of stupid people. Surely they can get together and execute a public relations plan. I am a bit surpised that you are so passive and negative--I'd think you would be a bit more upbeat about the possibilities?
Hasn't anyone noticed yet that the union-organized Occupy protests, with their signs and routes and press/media availabilities and support, get good coverage? That has something to do with the fact that unions understand media messaging and know how to work the press.
If you really think "le sigh" that the police will just take over and let their message predominate, well, you--not ME--are the one saying "Everyone give up and go home--those "Neo-Nazis" (and you Godwin'd first, FYI) have won. It's HOPELESS." That's what I am getting from YOU.
As someone else sagely noted, defending every asshole who claims to be part of OCCUPY is dead dumb, and a little "message discipline" would benefit the movement.
And people who NOTICE this and comment on it are NOT the enemy. The sooner a small cadre of unquestioning defenders (who are not the majority--but they are vocal) realize that criticism is not always a bad thing, the better for Occupy. It needs to take this shit to the next level.