April 17..GLOBAL ACTION on Military Spending--- "Occupy the Military Industrial Complex" [View all]
Occupy the Military Industrial Complex
March 28, 2012 · By V. Noah Gimbel
On April 17, thousands of people all over the world will occupy the military industrial complex as part of the Global Day of Action on Military Spending.
On April 17, thousands of people all over the world will occupy the military industrial complex as part of the Global Day of Action on Military Spending.
This is the second Global Day. Last years event, held on April 12, 2011, was a big success, with nearly 100 actions in 37 countries. In 2012, activists will organize many types of events, from protests at military bases to teach-ins. Each location will devise its own approach. But all the events will highlight the latest figure for global military spending, which will likely approach $1.7 trillion.
GDAMS is coordinated by the Institute for Policy Studies (Washington DC) and the International Peace Bureau (Geneva).